When A Christian Doesn’t Care…

Recently, a friend asked “How does a Christian deal with the desire to stop caring for others?” What a real question.

I thought about times when I’ve felt like not caring anymore – this week I’m struggling with wanting to be a mom. Some days I just don’t feel like it! “Go play! Go sleep! Just go!” I’m sure you don’t have ANY clue what I’m talking about…

Sometimes I don’t want to listen to someone else’s problems.
or spend time with my children
Sometimes I don’t want to offer mercy to someone who can’t pay a debt
There are times … like at the check out counter, when the children’s ears are malfunctioning… when I don’t even want to hear the word patience.

What has helped me in those times – when I feel empty and angry and lacking? What helps me when I just don’t doggone feel kind and patient and caring?


Love is not a feeling. (Phewf!) It's an action. Feelings are not a prerequisite to qualify as love. A loving action for Jesus sake is love. It counts. Big time.

"Whatever you do, do it as to the Lord" He sees what I do, even if no one else does. And he delights in me, singing over me. What I do for others I do for Jesus. (Matt 25:40)

“You will always harvest what you plant ... So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone - especially those in the family of faith." Gal 6:9-10

These truths encourage me to persevere. And when I really really really don't have anything left in me to give, I cling to Phillipians 2:13

"For it is God working in you, giving you the desire to obey, and the power to do what pleases Him."

He gives me the desire! I love that!! Talk about total dependence! I don’t even have to  want to care for others – I can’t even want it without him. Wow.

Thank you Jesus, that you give me the desire to obey. Even when I don’t want to parent or be a friend, or extend grace to someone, it’s okay. Wanting to and doing it are two different things. Thank you for showing me that, and giving me the desire and strength to do what I don’t feel like doing. Thank you too, for the promise that I will “always harvest blessing” if I don’t give up. Please help me to never give up. Please strengthen my friend never to give up. In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen.



What I Say Matters! said...

Awesome message! Love is an action! Never heard that said before but I could not agree more!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post :-)

MTJ said...

Hi Kim,

Thanks for sharing words from the heart. I too, voice the words of your prayer.

Blessings and peace.


From The Heart Online said...

@ What I Say Matters: Thanks. I've heard 'love is a decision', but the Bible takes it way further than that. I love it - It gives me permission to 'act' in love even when I don't experience a holy flow of peace and happiness about it. I used to wait for that feeling... I'm learning I don't have to.

@MTJ Thank you for your ministry of prayer and encouragement.