I’m honored to receive front row seat to this rumbling
convergence. As I watch, two skies become one thundering mass above me
and I remember a friend’s words. “He’s
given you favour, Kim”. She’s emphatic. FAvour;
as though I should know and it’s simply obvious and why don’t I understand. Can
I have favour? Is that allowed? I want to dance and sing, whoop praise and
thanks but… is it true? Noah, Esther, Mary… many found favour with God. Can I? Are
her words prophetic water to a parched soul or am I a deluded fool grasping?
Converged clouds rumble overhead, long and low and I can’t stop grinning. God bends over fields in grey and flexes thunder muscles across the sky. A sigh escapes as I drink in humid grey. He flexes again and winks lightening. Tree tops sway, leaves quiver. Pregnant blue gives way to wash out grey. Like crystals sprinkling, it comes. A gem curtain sweeps through Poplar forest. I hear it. Air thickens and gems fall louder, sweep closer. Hands raised to sky, I accept the gift of this moment. Crystal orbs wet my outstretched hands. I laugh, courted and won by the strength of a God who bends and who winks from behind clouds with lightening.
Thank you Lord, for this love struck moment – for the gift
of you.
Yes, I'll say you're favored, and gifted too! You've written a beautiful love letter of thanks.
I pray you peace the Reach For a Change event. :)
You have a beautiful poetic way of writing. Thank you for sharing this intimate moment between a strong, handsome, loving God and the one he looks upon with favor.
I love this! and my name is Kimberly Dawn too! We're twins!!
Thank you, Unknown, for your prayers and loyal readership. I appreciate you.
Char - thanks for reading!
@ Kim - nice to meet you twin! Stopped by your place... I dig the new title! :))
Your writing is lovely I second the above commenter, it's poetic! I especially like your post "Doing it". Thanks for stopping by at my blog and your sweet words! You encouraged me greatly!
You paint a beautiful picture of God's creation! I'm love-struck, too! God
in all His majesty is all around us!
Have a blessed week and thanks for linking up with Sharing His Beauty!
In His grip, Joan
(I got an error the first time I posted, so I hope this one works!)
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