Celebrating Evidence

“I have great news! A well-known local musician has come on board for your book tour!” I can hear her smile over the phone. Stunned, I simply say, “Wow!” We both become silent as we consider how the musician’s reputation and career dwarf my own. It changes everything. She seems to be thinking the same thing. “I guess you need to decide what the purpose of the tour is,” she says carefully, “…is it to promote your book, or is it to raise as much as possible for Gospel for Asia?”

I knew the ‘right answer’, but still had to pause. I was suddenly aware that, even though I was planning this whole thing out of obedience, I also had self promotion in mind. (Reminds me of King Saul adding his own idea to God’s plan…) I was thinking about raising funds, but also about building readership. God has something better in mind and it requires my willingness to set my own plans aside.

And I’m celebrating! That moment was full of evidence – of God’s work in my heart, of growth! For one thing, I was willing to change – and quickly! It didn’t take days or weeks (like my stubborn heart often does). Woo! I’m thankful.

I’ve prayed that I would become obedient – that when God asks me to do something, I would jump and do it right away. And I did it! “It is God working in you giving you the desire to obey, and the power to do what pleases Him.” He’s changing this heart!!

I’ve prayed for humility. That I was able to quickly shift gears and drop my plans is evidence that God has worked some humility into my heart. Thank you Lord!

I’ve prayed for invisibility (because recognition and praise have gone to my head in the past). This moment of stepping back so God can have center stage is another answer to that sincere request.

Oh yes. I love evidence of His hand on my life. How can I gauge spiritual growth? Evidence. Yes! Fruit!! Love it. I don’t care if it’s just a flower promising fruit, I’m celebrating! I can’t wait for the harvest!!

Thank you Lord, that your word is true. You are the author and finisher of my faith. It is you who began a good work in me and will bring it to completion. You are the one who gives me the desire to obey and the power to do what pleases you. Thank you for training me and loving me and showering me with amazing, incomprehensible grace. I don’t understand, but I want more! Thank you for whatever you’re doing in my heart, my life, and with this tour. I can’t wait to see the fruit you produce through it. Please open my eyes to see it! I don’t want to miss it. I can’t wait! Woo!


Kim Turnage said...

It's so much less about the pause and so much more about the decision you make after it. Yea, Kim!!! The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few, but YOU are one of them!!

Reagan said...

This post has perfect timing for me in so many ways - relationships, business opportunities. Thank you for sharing so I don't feel like I'm the only one - in thought and desire.

How proud of you He must be!

From The Heart Online said...

Kim - Those are wonderful words; "the harvest is plentiful" God is not one to do things half way or cheaply, is he? He's a God of abundance. Whether in this life or the next, we can look forward to that plentiful harvest. So true. Thanks for that ;)

Reagan - Thank you too. I know just how you feel. It's because others have shared that I've been freed - to be and accept myself, from legalism, from fear and even the power of secrets that you talk about in your post.